A. General.
1. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to provide standards for screening in order to mitigate the effects of potential nuisances such as dirt, litter, noise, heat, and glare of lights, and to protect public and private investment. It is also the intent of this section to provide for the safe construction and maintenance of walls and fences constructed in the City.
2. Applicability. These regulations shall be applicable to all new construction, where fifty (50) percent or more of an existing screening, fence, or wall requires replacement, or any time that a higher intensity use is required to screen adjacent to a lower intensity use.
3. Enforcement. The Director of Planning shall administer and enforce the provisions of this article relating to screening and fencing.
4. Sight Visibility. See
Subsection 4.01: Sight Visibility Triangle.
B. Screening and Fencing of Nonresidential, Mixed Use, Multi-Family, and Manufactured Home Parks.
1. Placement of Fences.
a. Opaque fences shall be prohibited between the front building face and the Right-of-Way.
b. Certain decorative fences in the Historic District may use alternative materials, such as wood, at the discretion of the Historic Preservation Commission.
2. Screening of Neighboring Development with a Masonry Screening Wall.
a. In the event that any non-single family use sides or backs to an existing single family home (i.e., detached home, duplex, or townhome) or a Estate Residential (R-1) District, Suburban Residential (R-2) District, or One & Two Family Residential (R-3) District, a solid masonry screening wall of not less than six (6) feet nor more than eight (8) feet in height shall be erected on the property line separating these districts. The purpose of the screening wall or fence is to provide a visual and protective barrier between the properties.
i. The owner of the higher intensity property shall be responsible for building and maintaining the required wall on the property line dividing the property from the lower intensity district.
b. Materials.
i. Any screening wall or fence required under the provisions of this section, under a Specific Use Permit, Planned Development (PD) District, or other requirement shall be constructed of 100 percent opaque masonry or precast concrete designed to resemble wood, stucco, stone, or brick fencing (excluding CMU). Wood fences are expressly prohibited.
ii. Nonresidential fences that are not required by ordinance but that are visible from public Right-of-Way shall be constructed of masonry, reinforced concrete, wrought iron or simulated wrought iron, or vinyl material that simulates wood or masonry. Wood fences are expressly prohibited.
iii. All required screening walls shall be equally finished on both sides of the wall.
iv. Where such openings are necessary, all wall or fence openings shall be equipped with gates equal in height and screening characteristics to the wall or fence.
3. Screening of Mechanical Equipment. All nonresidential uses in any zoning district shall screen all mechanical, heating and air conditioning equipment from public view or adjacent residential property. Public view is considered any area that can be seen from a public street or adjacent residential properties at six (6) feet above grade at the property line.
4. Nonresidential Barbed Wire Fences Prohibited. Barbed wire, razor wire, and concertina wire fences are prohibited in the City for nonresidential purposes.
a. Exception. Barbed wire strands may be placed on top of permitted fences and screening around public utilities facilities (such as substations and transformer stations) or as part of security devices for the restrain of persons being detained by the City or other governmental law enforcement agency for criminal violations.
C. Screening of Outdoor Waste Storage for All Nonresidential, Mixed Use, Multi-Family, and Manufactured Home Park Properties.
1. General.
a. Waste storage areas (refuse containers, etc.) shall be constructed, located and screened to prevent interference with the peace, comfort, and repose of the occupants of any adjoining building or residence.
b. The location, construction, and screening of all waste storage areas shall be shown on the design drawings.
2. Incidental Use Requirement and Location Standards. Refuse containers, trash dumpsters/containers, trash compactors, box compactors, and other similar containers which are used for waste disposal purposes shall:
a. Only be allowed as an incidental use, and
b. Only be allowed when located behind the building line established by the structure and not within any side or rear yard setback or any required landscaped area.
3. Setbacks. Refuse containers, trash dumpsters/containers, trash compactors, box compactors, and other similar containers shall be setback from all residential uses a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet.
4. Screening Required. Refuse containers, trash dumpsters/containers, trash compactors, box compactors, and other similar containers shall be enclosed on all four sides with a three-sided masonry screening wall and a metal gate on the fourth side that shall be constructed to a minimum height of one (1) foot above the container height, but shall not exceed eight (8) feet in height.
a. The container shall be screened by the masonry wall and a metal gate capable of screening the area and shall remain closed at all times except when filling or emptying the container.
b. The screening wall shall be similar to or extensions of the development’s architectural design.
D. Electric Fences.
1. An electric fence is allowed in the Agricultural zoning district, with proof submitted to the electrical inspector that the fence will be designed to retain animals, be inaccessible to the general public and not pose a hazard to life.
2. An electric fence is allowed in association with a permitted nonresidential outdoor storage area in the Agricultural (AG) District, Interstate-35 Business (B-3) District, Light Industrial (LI) District, and Heavy Industrial (HI) District subject to the following standards.
a. Unless otherwise specified in this Section, electric fences must be installed in conformance with the specifications set forth in the City’s electrical code and the International Electroctechnical Commission Standard No. 60335-2-76. In addition, the electric fence controller must meet the requirements of Underwriters Laboratories Standard UL69, Electric-Fence Controller, and labeled as such.
b. The electric fence controller and emergency entry key safe for the electric fence must be located in a single accessible location for the entire fence.
c. The electric fence must be surrounded by a non-electrical fence or wall six (6) to eight (8) feet in height.
d. The electric fence must be installed a minimum of one (1) foot from the surrounding nonelectric fence or wall, except along the gate. Along the gate, the electric fence must be installed a minimum of three (3) inches from the surrounding non-electric fence or wall.
e. The electric fence must be clearly identified with warning signs at intervals of not less than sixty (60) feet.
f. The electric fence must only be energized during hours when the public does not have legal access to the protected property.
E. Fences in Residential Areas.
1. Permit Required. A fence permit must be obtained from the Director of Planning for fences along the lot line perimeter in the following cases:
a. Any new fence (excluding replacement fencing); or
b. Relocation of an existing fence.
2. Fences Required for Subdivisions backing to Major Roadways. A solid masonry fence is required when a subdivision backs to a Collector Street or larger thoroughfare.
3. Height and Location.
a. Any fence or wall located to the rear of the minimum required front yard line shall not exceed six (6) feet in height.
b. Except as provided by i below, no fence or wall shall be permitted in front of any single family or duplex structure.
i. Decorative fences with openings not less than fifty (50) percent of the fence area and not exceeding forty-two (42) inches in height are permitted in front yards. Chain link, woven wire mesh or similar materials are not considered decorative fencing.
c. No fence shall be erected in any required side yard that is adjacent to a public street.
4. Materials.
a. Any residential perimeter fence shall be constructed of masonry, wrought iron, Cedar wood, precast concrete designed to resemble wood, stucco, stone, or brick fencing (excluding CMU), or vinyl materials that produce a similar appearance.
b. Chain link fencing is only allowed for residential properties for side and rear fences not facing a public street.
5. Vehicular Access Gates. Gates designed for vehicular access shall be set back from the property line a minimum of fifty (50) feet.
6. Residential Chain Link, Barbed Wire, and Electrical Fences Prohibited.
a. Chain link fencing shall be prohibited for perimeter fences in residential areas.
i. This requirement does not include any fence necessary for an agricultural use or interior fence that is not visible from outside the perimeter fence.
ii. Chain link fencing is allowed for residential properties for side and rear fences not facing a public street.
b. Barbed wire or electrical fencing shall be prohibited in residential areas, except as used for farm or ranching purposes on lots over one (1) acre in size or as noted in D above. Note that this does not include invisible fences for pets.
7. Special Fences.
a. Special fencing, such as fencing around tennis courts, is permitted.
b. Fences around swimming pools shall comply with the City’s building code.
8. Proximity to Accessways and Driveways. Screening or fencing shall not be located closer than three (3) feet from the edge of any accessway pavement or driveway.