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MapLink™ Procedures | Pre-Application Meeting

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Pre-Application Meeting
A. Purpose.
1. The Pre-Application Meeting is intended to allow for the exchange of non-binding information between the Applicant and City Staff to ensure that the Applicant is informed of pertinent City development regulations and processes.
2. The Pre-Application Meeting provides an opportunity for the Applicant and City Staff to discuss major development considerations such as utilities, roadways, drainage concerns, Comprehensive Plan elements, specific neighborhood characteristics, and historic information.
3. This exchange of information is intended to promote an efficient and orderly review process.

B. Pre-Application Meeting before the Submission of Plans and Applications.
1. Prior to formal submittal of any required plan or Application, the Applicant is encouraged to consult with the City Manager, Director of Planning, the Building Official, and any other pertinent City Staff in order for the Applicant to become familiar with the City’s development regulations and the development process.
2. At the Pre-Application Meeting, the Applicant may be represented by his/her land planner, engineer, surveyor, or other qualified professional.
3. The City may establish forms with project information to request meeting, and such forms shall not be considered a vesting instrument.

C. Pre-Application Meetings are Encouraged for the following Applications:
1. Innovative Residential Development, see 2.09.07: Innovative Residential Development.
2. Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning), see § UDC-2.10.03B.1
3. Site Plans, see 2.10.07: Site Plans.
4. Planned Development (PD) Regulations and Procedures, see 2.10.08: Planned Development (PD) Regulations and Procedures.
5. Specific Use Permit (SUP) Regulations and Procedures, see 2.10.09: Specific Use Permit (SUP) Regulations and Procedures.
6. Zoning Variance, see 2.11.03: Zoning Variance.
7. Zoning Special Exception, see 2.11.04: Zoning Special Exception.
8. Plats, see Subsection 3.03: Platting Requirements.

D. Vested Rights. Pre-Application Meetings shall not vest a permit, Application, or other type of development approval.